Friday, November 03, 2006

QBTK Layout

So ... Back to this, again ... Finally.

Below is the initial concept layout for a Text-mode Graphics based Klondike solitaire game programmed in Quick Basic (QBTK) ...

As you can see, I guess I finally got SOMEthing figured out accidentally! I had some difficulties getting the HTML layout to show up correctly in this blog (Problems Posting HTML for QBTK Layout).

The trick, apparently, was to use the PRE tag along with explicitly specifying the FONT FACE (Lucinda Console, the only mono-spaced of the few "Web-Safe" fonts?). Prefixing the whole bit with these two tags allowed me to cut (as before) directly from the QB display, and paste into Notepad, with out the "line-drawing" characters getting out of alignment when rendered. Then, as before, putting the color changes in manually.

Got wized up, headed in the right direction, by that most useful of ALL websites: Wikipedia. Looking at the source for this page gave me the clue: Box Drawing Characters.

Next, I plan to clean up my experimental code which eventually generates something similar to the following, reorganize the useful bits into functionally decomposed routines, then maybe start in on actual game logic. It's going slowing, in small bits, because I'm not really concentrating, and I'm going for a two-fold nostalgic kick here: 1) make it LOOK like some of the old stuff, and 2) program it kind of like I might have when I didn't know any better.

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Blogger Minstrel Mike said...

Well, it ALMOST works! The layout HTML renders just FINE in the Edit/Preview, but NOT when actually POSTED! What's up with THAT? Don't see anything like that in the Blog help; maybe there's a forum.

11/03/2006 01:52:00 AM  
Blogger Minstrel Mike said...

Well, THIS works, on a "real" website (sortof) that uses HTML normally ...

Maybe some day, I'll go ahead and move the blog there, too ... Although there's nothing much on the blog either ...

4/12/2007 09:04:00 PM  

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